What is Combat-related PTSD

PTSD is different for many people around the world. For military vets the name has changed, but the effects have caused troubles all the same.

Combat-related PTSD has existed as long as war itself. The condition was called “soldier’s heart” in the Civil War, “shell shock” in World War I, and “Combat fatigue” in World War II. Despite the fact that the condition has been around for thousands of years, it is sometimes still difficult, or controversial, to diagnose.

Over 540,000 Veterans Have Been Diagnosed With PTSD

You NEED to know that there ARE evidence-based treatments out there: proven ways to help yourself and others who battle with PTSD. Cognitive Processing Therapy and Prolonged Exposure Therapy are just two types of evidence-based treatments for PTSD. These treatments help patients cope with negative memories and trauma flashbacks, according to research by the Veteran Affair’s Department. Arm yourself with the information to battle PTSD, whether it be for yourself or a loved one. Get our guide below with more important facts about PTSD, Major Depressive Disorder, and TBI.

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